& Procedures for Steward, IL
Village of
Water Works Policies and Procedures
Revised 6/2019
An initial
first time property owner to the village must contact
the Water Billing Manager to set-up their water service
account. A turn-on fee of $50.00 will be required before
water is physically turned on. Billing quarter to be
prorated for first quarter usage. Subsequent usage will
be billed at normal billing rates.
Billing is
done on a quarterly basis (4 payments per year) at the
beginning of the following months: March, June, September,
December. The property owner has 30 days from the billing
date to send in their quarterly payment without incurring
any late fees and/or shut-off notices. The property
owner is responsible for paying for the water service.
Steward Water Works will charge the property owner for
each rental property regardless of being vacant or not.
All questions concerning water billing are to be discussed
with the water billing manager. In cases of financial
hardship, payment arrangements are to be discussed with
the water billing manager. Payment arrangements must
be approved by the village president.
Late Fees
$25.00 per
account will be added to the water bill if payment is
not received by the due date. Reminder bills will not
be sent out.
NSF Checks
The fee for
returned (non-sufficient funds (checks) will be $40.00,
which will be charged to the property owners account.
If this offense happens twice, then only a cash or money
order will be accepted for water service payment at
that point and beyond.
If a full
payment is late, the account will incur a late fee as
described above. If a second quarterly payment is not
received by the next due date, a late notice will be
sent to the customer stating that they have 10 more
days to pay their bill in full (1st missed quarterly
payment, late fee, 2nd missed quarterly payment) or
their water service will be terminated. If water service
is terminated, then a $150.00 reinstatement fee, plus
any outstanding balance, needs to be paid in full to
reinstate water service again.
If a property
owner is selling and/or moving, they are responsible
for giving written notice to the water billing manager
to discontinue their water service. They must provide
a final payment of any outstanding balance. If no written
notice is received from the water customer, then they
will continue to be billed and be responsible for paying
for each quarterly amount and any late fees that may
A lien will
be placed on a property owner's home with a delinquent
bill with the County of Lee. The owner will be responsible
for the cost of a lien to be filed and released. Any
costs incurred by the village's lawyer will be added
to the delinquent water bill, too.
Water Problems
Any water
committee member should be contacted when there is a
water quality or distribution concern. The water committee
member will review the concern and take the necessary
steps to resolve the concern or problem. If the problem
is on the village's side of the buffalo (shut-off) box,
including the3 buffalo box, then the village will pay
for the costs of repairing the leak. If the problem
is on the home or business owner's side of the buffalo
box, then the owner is responsible for the repairs.
The village's plumber may be contacted if the property
owner desires, but that is the owner's choice and it
is the property owner's responsibility to pay for the
services rendered on the property owner's side of the
buffalo box.
1- Year Payment
Discount Option
This option
allows the water customer to pay in advance four (4)
quarters worth of service with one payment and receive
a 5% reduction on their water rate charge. This payment
can only start on one of the 4 designated monthly billing
Payment Options
Payments may
be made in the following ways: Check or money order
mailed to the village, check or money order placed in
the drop box in front of the village hall, online payment
on village website (you will be charged and additional
2.65% for using this option).
Fees as of January 1, 2019
Turn-On Fee:
Fee: Homeowner
County, and State Governmental Agencies
Citizens (65 & older, documentation required
(ex. driver's license)
$10.00 per quarterly fee
per quarterly payment
per check
Fee: (for termination of water services)
turn-on fee plus full payment of outstanding balance
balance + All Lee County Fees + Lawyer Fees
Bulk Fee: By purchase order, deposit and approval
of village president/water committee
dependent on individual purchase and approval
of village president/water committee