Village of Steward IL Documents Page



Village of Steward IL Board Meeting Minutes



Click here to read the most currently available board meeting minutes

February 2025









Read the minutes from the special meeting regarding the water main improvement process
May 2023


















Village of Steward Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Income General Fund
Misc. Income $50.00
Cannabis Tax Income $225.00
Building Permit Income $150.00
Video Gaming Tax Income $1,500.00
Corporate Tax $3,800.00
Depot Income $25.00
Income Tax $22,800.00
Liquor License Video Gaming Machine Permits $850.00
Local Use Tax $4,500.00
MTCT Tax $2000.00
Park Donations $25.00
Summerfest Income $25.00
PPRT Tax $425.00
Real Estate Tax from Lee County/Alto Township $418.00
Road and Bridge Tax $2,625.00
Telecommunications Tax $3,040.00
General Savings Interest $100.00
General Checking Interest $75.00
Total General Fund Income $42,633.00



2022-2023 Village of Steward Expense Budget
General Administration Expenses
Engineering Expenses $2,500.00
Audit Expense $3,000.00
Donations $300.00
Education and Travel $300.00
Illinois Municipal League $175.00
Insurance $3,300.00
Volunteer Insurance $500.00
Julie Membership $40.00
Legal Fees $5,000.00
Office Expenses $4,000.00
Salaries $10,720.00
Payroll Taxes $1,000.00
Total General Administration $30,835.00
Village Property Expenses
Depot $5,000.00
Mosquito Control $3,000.00
Mowing of Village Property $1,000.00
Park Property Repairs and Upgrades $3,000.00
Steward fest $500.00
Snowplowing $3,500.00
Street and Sidewalk Repairs ` $10,000.00
Tree Cutting and Planting $7,500.00
Buildings and Grounds Repairs $5,700.00
Total Village Property $39,200.00


Proposed 2022-2023 General Fund Expenses P2

Nicor Village Hall $500.00
Park Electricity $1,500.00
Street Lights $9,500.00
Village Hall Phone $1,000.00
Total Utilities $12,500.00
Total General Fund Expenses $82,535.00


Proposed Fiscal 2022-2023 Motor Fuel Tax Income
Estimated Allotment From The State Of Illinois $5,800.00
Estimated Rebuild Illinois $5,600.00
Interest Earned on MFT Savings Account $10.00
Interest Earned on MFT Checking Account $25.00
Total Motor Fuel Tax Income $11,435.00
Proposed Fiscal 2022-2023 Motor Fuel Tax Operating Budget
Estimated engineering cost for fiscal 2022-2023 road project

Fiscal 2022-2023 Water Department Operating Budget
Salaries for Water operators and Water Biller $9,720.00
Payroll taxes $1,000.00
Utilities Includes Com Ed, and Nicor $10,000.00
Office Expenses $1,700.00
Audit $2,750.00
Chemicals and Testing Supplies $7,500.00 Maintenance $31,500.00 IRWA Enrollment and Dues $300.00
Julie Membership 1/2 $40.00 Water Department Insurance Costs $3,100.00 Includes Workers Comp, and Volunteer
Engineering Costs $20,000.00 Grant Writing Costs $20,000.00
Legal Expenses $1000.00
Total Operating Costs $97,890.00
Total Employee and Operating Costs $108,610.00
Future Water Repair and Replacement $8,000.00
Set A Side Savings




PROPOSED Fiscal 2022-2023 Water Department Income
Total Local Water Payments $53,365.00
Misc. Water Income $250.00
Late Payment Revenue $300.00
Water Savings Interest $50.00
Water Checking Interest $20.00
Tower Communications Income $600.00
Total Water Department Income $54,585.00














Ordinance Meetings









Village of Steward, Illinois

Meeting Dates for 2020

Board of Trustees
Second Monday of each month

January 13, 2020
February 10, 2020
March 19, 2020
April 13, 2020
May 11, 2020
June 8, 2020
July 13, 2020
August 10, 2020
September 14, 2020
October 12, 2020
November 9, 2020
December 14, 2020


Water Committee
Meets Thursdays before each monthly board meeting
If needed

All other Village Committees are on an as-needed basis